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Tablet Tailor
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Tablet Tailor

As mass-production rationalizes manufacturing efficiencies, it often alienates users from their product experiences. In reaction to this the Maker Movement leverages information technology to create quality products, promoting fundamental values such as beauty, uniqueness, interaction, and people's ownership of user experiences, as it involves them in the design process. Meanwhile, smart phones and tablet mobiles are increasingly woven into tools and products, socially connecting would-be craftspeople to the internet of things. Opportunity lies at the junction of these trends; in designing accessible product-service systems for non-master craftspeople.


The Tablet Tailor features 3 textile craft tool sets: sewing, pattern-making, and weaving. The series harnesses smart phones and tablet functions for setting and managing tailor tasks, thus nurturing ‘fashion hacks’’ play with identity. The connection to the internet and its social networks facilitates the building of a maker’s library of designs and exchange, nurturing the development of home talent and small businesses. A self-sustainable home workshop making system combining digital and analog processes facilitating the textile production of everyday objects outside the life-controlling brand paradigms.


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Work scope

Product design, Brand identity,

Printed goods, Illustration & Key visuals

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